
There are a number of workshops that are available to communities of faith as well as secular communities. For information on any of these workshops, please contact me at

Harry Potter: A Wizard’s Retreat. A two or three day retreat that explores Harry Potter, prejudice and theology. Includes workshops on Harry Potter and Fair Trade, and, Harry Potter and Literacy. This workshop has recently been offered at the Sorrento Centre in British Columbia. For a review, please read here

Harry Potter: A Muggle’s Retreat. A one day retreat that explores Harry Potter and Biblical connections and themes such as Baptism, Christology, and, saints.

Four Corners of Faith- Finding our Spiritual Home in Life. Offered as part of the Iona Community’s Open week programming 2014-2016, and a special program week (sold out) in June 2017.

This program is also available, by arrangement, in your community of faith or secular environment. This workshop can help identify areas of growth or stagnation for individuals and groups. For a full description please read here

Worship Workshops. Learn how to use the things you have in the space you are to create dynamic worship for your own context.

Blessed Subtractions– clear space in our life and discover the blessing of letting go of situations or persons in our life that we no longer wish to allow to negatively impact us.  This is large and small group work that culminates with a worship service (or space to let go in secular communities) incorporating symbols of importance to the group.